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Our Story

The Body Activists began...

...with a simple idea: to make conversations about bodies more accessible and reduce stigma and discrimination among minority populations. The wellness industry and diet culture make it almost impossible to decipher what is real and what isn’t. Businesses and community leaders are often trying their best to provide for their employees and clients but end up lacking the knowledge to support them and avoid issues over body size discrimination. This is where we come in.


Weight stigma and fatphobia may be new words to some, but not to The Body Activists. Our Founder, Serena Nangia, has spent close to a decade building expertise on the way body image, media, and eating disorders affect our daily lives. In the last two years, Serena has presented multiple times on the issue of fatphobia (the systemic effect of weight stigma that people do not often recognize) and developing curricula to assist business and community leaders in recognizing where discrimination may exist and how they can do better.




People in larger bodies are consistently granted fewer promotions and raises than their thinner counterparts (Baum & Ford, 2004).


90% of emergency rooms are lacking basic equipment like scanners that can accommodate people in larger bodies (Ginde et al., 2012). 



© 2021 by The Body Activists. All rights reserved.

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